Friday, April 19, 2019

Passing it on

A fun visit with my son and his family in Arkansas brought a great opportunity to start teaching the next generation some watercolor skills!  I love how much my granddaughter enjoyed learning some grownup techniques. 

She learned frisket, dry brush, wet on wet, wet on dry, blotting, splattering, gradated wash and the usefulness of flat and round watercolor brushes.  Good job little kindergartner!!

New interests

Life is full of interesting things to explore and learn. I've never done abstracts before and lately I've been tinkering with this strange and beautiful genre.  I adore granulated watercolors. They are closely tied to the earth and all things Geologic because most of the pigments from the Daniel Smith Company are actually fine particles of rock or mineral.

I tried using Amersand Aquabord for the first time.  I love that you don't need to frame the watercolor when it's done and it is hung directly on the wall in the three dimensional way because it is on cradled board.

Here is a quick study using Daniel Smith watercolors
Icy and wintry isn't it?
What possibilities to explore!

And speaking of new possibilities, I'm starting a new interest in life.  I'm super excited to see where it will go over the next decade!  Check it out on

I'll keep you posted!

Abstract Play

Abstract art is interesting. It is like fingerpainting as a child.  You play, you experiment, you  follow your nose and see where it all goes. 

I took a two day workshop with Carol Nelson
at this super fun retreat.  It's been on my bucket list for a half dozen years, and now that I live 10 minutes away from the Portland Airport Hilton, there was no better time!  Carol is a very gracious and fun lady and a giving teacher who doesn't hold back on how to do her techniques.  I really appreciate that because some workshop teachers are pretty closed-mouthed about how they create things.  Thanks for teaching and sharing Carol!!  I love your art.

It was so fun to explore so many different medium applications and to just play.  It was so fun to combine two of my interests in life: Geology and Art. 

Here are two geologics and one paper collage abstract that I did during the workshop

A New Interest

Man, a lot of living has happened in the few years that I started this blog.  From early childhood all I wanted to be when I grew up was an artist.  It is crazy hard. It is sacred to me.  Something of the divine resides in all of us, and when we create, we are following the ultimate creator of the universe in imitating his wondrous abilities.  Even children express themselves in coloring and drawing and experience such self-fulfillment and pride.  I think as we grow and life begins to take it's toll on us, we get discouraged and jaded and lose that childlike wonder of being able to create something.  Anything.  No matter what the world comments about it.

And that is not o.k.

The world has changed a lot in the last decade. Some of it for the better. Hopefully we are ALL a little (or a lot)  more tolerant of other people, their individuality and the their struggles in life. I think the world needs more art. More striving for excellence in skill and in thought.  It is just a crying shame that creating art and making a decent living to provide for yourself and your loved ones is not a reality for very many people.  That should not stop artists from sharing what they make with the world.  Sometimes it is just time to turn the digital world off.  Create with your own two hands, not for acclaim, not for money, not for any other reason than to give voice to your own emotions, beliefs, experiences.  Create to shout out joy and wonder.  Create to bless someone else. Create to facilitate your own growth as a vibrant human being.

I am venturing out into the digital world doing something that I love, and I'm very excited to share with you and explore what the future holds.
Stay tuned for some updates on what I have planned...I'm working on something really cool!
Here's a hint of future awesomeness:

In the meantime, here are some quick pastel color studies currently fresh from my easel.

Monday, August 21, 2017

On The Easel

I'm currently finishing up this large painting of the gorgeous Spokane River in Post Falls, Washington. It's about 70% done.  Sold, but prints will be available on my website. acrylic on museum Ampersand board.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

New Acrylic painting

24 x 36 acrylic on cradled Ampersand board.  Late Autumn, Usk Washington

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Free File for Non Commercial use

Here is a link to a high resolution file if you would like to use or print off a copy of my painting
Christ Inviting.  You may not copy this file and sell any copies.  I retain the copy rights to this image, but it is available as a Creative Commons file- meaning you may print off copies for church, home, family, non-commercial use.   If you would like to add a link to this blog when you copy or publicize it on your blog, newsletter, etc I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you!  Anita